Characters of the mangrove regent heritage have been raised among a community of mangrove dryads and carry its values and customs. When gales and hurricanes rage across the oceans of the fey realms, the neighborhoods of mangrove dryads provide the first line of protection to their communities. The mangroves themselves …
Pine scion heritage characters carry the best aspects of the dryad communities into the world, at least as they see it. Unlike the snobbish oaks or gossiping teaks, the dour ashes or airy corks, pine scions are easy to understand and get along with. To their credit, the pine scions’ …
Characters of the inheritor of the future heritage bear one of the time-warping staves developed by eonics. Most are eonics granted their staff before setting out to save their people, though these artifacts have fallen into other hands over time, and the bearers carry on the mantle. Regardless of lineage, …
Characters of this heritage are not native to the world they live in. Through some event, intentional or accidental, they emigrated. Their true home shares the same name and largely the same geography as this one, but the histories differ in subtle ways. The first mirror worlders were eonics whose …
Time-lost drifter heritage characters have a crystal belt. Dangling from it at irregular intervals are the crystals that give it its name. They also carry a collection of ephemera gathered from different ages. Most time-lost drifters come from the eonic lineage, but over time, crystal belts have fallen into other …
Eonics hail from a dying civilization in the far future. To save their people, a small number took to the timestream to get help from ages before and after their own. Their crystal belts allow them to travel through time, but a flaw in the belts’ construction prevents them from …
Gnolls look like hyenas given humanoid bearing. Their powerfully built bodies are covered with short brown or dull yellow fur spotted in darker brown. The claws on their hands and feet, while often painted or decorated with whorls, are brittle and ill-suited as weapons. Gnolls find most clothing restrictive and …
As rugged as the terrain they inhabit, badlander heritage characters feel they can survive whatever the world throws at them. They tend to be quiet and stoic, enduring hardship with a shrug and self-deprecating bark. Their clothing is sturdy and economical without flourishes that could get caught on an outcropping …
Junker heritage characters have been raised among the wasteland and desert dwelling junker gnolls. These tightly knit, semi-nomadic communities are recognizable by their small caravans of camel drawn covered wagons. Packs of hyenas often run among the wagons as they travel, creating an intimidating air. The wagons stop near settlements …