

An average coin weighs less than half an ounce. A pouch of 50 coins weighs 1 pound.

Copper (cp)11/101/1001/1,000
Silver (sp)1011/101/100
Gold (gp)1001011/10
Platinum (pp)1,000100101



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Galley30,000 gp, or 2,500gp unarmed Galleys are massive vessels ideal for transporting cargo and used …
Keelboat3,000 gp Keelboats are small sailing vessels that operate with minimal crew. Keelboats are good …
Rowboat50 gp Rowboats are powered by rowing and current. They can’t be rowed against any …
ClubSimple melee weapon. WeaponCostDamageWeightWeapon OptionPropertiesClub1 sp1d4 bludgeoning2 lb.BashLight
DaggerSimple melee weapon. WeaponCostDamageWeightWeapon OptionPropertiesDagger2 gp1d4 piercing1 lb.Pinning ShotFinesse, Light, Thrown (range 20/60 ft.)
GreatclubSimple melee weapon. WeaponCostDamageWeightWeapon OptionPropertiesGreatclub2 sp1d8 bludgeoning10 lb.BashTwo-handed
HandaxeSimple melee weapon. WeaponCostDamageWeightWeapon OptionPropertiesHandaxe5 gp1d6 slashing2 lb.HamstringLight, Thrown (range 20/60 ft.)
JavelinSimple melee weapon. WeaponCostDamageWeightWeapon OptionPropertiesJavelin sp1d6 piercing2 lb.Pinning ShotThrown (range 30/120 ft.)
Light hammerSimple melee weapon. WeaponCostDamageWeightWeapon OptionPropertiesLight hammer2 sp1d4 bludgeoning2 lb.BashLight, Thrown (range 20/60 ft.)
MaceSimple melee weapon. WeaponCostDamageWeightWeapon OptionPropertiesMace5 gp1d6 bludgeoning4 lb.Bash–
QuarterstaffSimple melee weapon. WeaponCostDamageWeightWeapon OptionPropertiesQuarterstaff2 sp1d6/1d8 bludgeoning4 lb.BashVersatile
SickleSimple melee weapon. WeaponCostDamageWeightWeapon OptionPropertiesSickle1 gp1d4 slashing2 lb.HamstringLight
SpearSimple melee weapon. WeaponCostDamageWeightWeapon OptionPropertiesSpear1 gp1d6/1d8 piercing3 lb.Pull, TripThrown (range 20/60 ft.), Versatile
DartSimple ranged weapon. WeaponCostDamageWeightWeapon OptionProperties1d45 cp1d4 Piercing1/4 lb.–Finesse, Thrown (range 20/60 ft.)
ShortbowSimple ranged weapon. WeaponCostDamageWeightWeapon OptionPropertiesShortbow25 gp1d6 Piercing2 lb.–Ammunition (range 80/320 ft.), Two-handed
SlingSimple ranged weapon. WeaponCostDamageWeightWeapon OptionPropertiesSling1 sp1d4–Ricochet ShotAmmunition (range 30/120 ft.)
BattleaxeMartial melee weapon. WeaponCostDamageWeightWeapon OptionPropertiesBattleaxe10 gp1d8/1d10 bludgeoning4 lb.Disarm, HamstringVersatile
FlailMartial melee weapon. WeaponCostDamageWeightWeapon OptionPropertiesFlail10 gp1d8 bludgeoning2 lb.Bash, Disarm–
GlaiveMartial melee weapon. WeaponCostDamageWeightWeapon OptionPropertiesGlaive20 gp1d10 bludgeoning6 lb.TripHeavy, Reach, Two-handed
GreataxeMartial melee weapon. WeaponCostDamageWeightWeapon OptionPropertiesGreataxe30 gp1d12 bludgeoning7 lb.Disarm, HamstringHeavy, Two-handed
GreatswordMartial melee weapon. WeaponCostDamageWeightWeapon OptionPropertiesGreatsword50 gp2d6 bludgeoning6 lb.Disarm, HamstringHeavy, Two-handed
HalberdMartial melee weapon. WeaponCostDamageWeightWeapon OptionPropertiesHalberd20 gp1d10 bludgeoning6 lb.TripHeavy, Reach, Two-handed
Light CrossbowSimple ranged weapon. WeaponCostDamageWeightWeapon OptionPropertiesLight Crossbow25 gp1d8 Piercing5 lb.–Ammunition (range 80/320 ft.), Loading, Two-handed

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