
4th-Circle Arcane, Divine, and Wyrd (Enchantment)

Casting Time: 1 action

Range: 90 feet

Components: V, S, M (three nut shells)

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute

This spell assaults and twists creatures’ minds, spawning delusions and provoking uncontrolled action. Each creature in a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on a point you choose within range must succeed on a WIS save when you cast this spell or be affected by it.

An affected target can’t take reactions and must roll a d10 at the start of each of its turns to determine its behavior for that turn.

At the end of each of its turns, an affected target can make a WIS save, ending the effect on itself on a success.

Confusion Effects




The creature uses all its movement to move in a random direction. To determine the direction, roll a d8 and assign a direction to each die face. The creature doesn’t take an action this turn.


The creature doesn’t move or take actions this turn.


The creature uses its action to make a melee attack against a randomly determined creature within its reach. If there is no creature within reach, the creature does nothing this turn.


The creature can act and move normally. At the end of each of its turns, an affected creature can make a WIS save, ending the
effect on itself on a success.

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