Enchantment spells and rituals, as well as related content.
9th-Circle Arcane, Divine, and Wyrd (Enchantment) Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V Duration: Instantaneous You utter a word of power that can compel one creature you can see within range to die instantly. If the creature you choose has 100 HP or fewer, it dies. Otherwise, the …
9th-Circle Divine (Enchantment) Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V Duration: Instantaneous You utter a word of power that completely heals one creature you can see within range. The creature is restored to maximum hit points. In addition, any charmed, frightened, paralyzed, or stunned conditions affecting the target …
8th-Circle Arcane, Divine, and Wyrd (Enchantment) Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V Duration: Instantaneous You speak a word of power that can overwhelm the mind of one creature you can see within range, leaving it dazed. If the target has 150 HP or fewer, it is stunned. …
5th-Circle Arcane, Divine, and Wyrd (Enchantment) Casting Time: 1 action Range: 90 feet Components: V, S, M (a small, straight piece of iron) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Choose any creature that you can see within range. The target must succeed on a WIS save or be paralyzed for …
2nd-Circle Primordial Ritual (Enchantment) Casting Time: 1 minute Range: 30 feet Components: V, S, M (a morsel of food) Duration: 24 hours Choose a Tiny Beast you can see within range, such as a squirrel, blue jay, or bat. Specify a location, which you must have visited, and a recipient …
1st-Circle Divine (Enchantment) Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Components: V, S Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute A willing creature you touch is imbued with bravery. Until the spell ends, the creature is immune to being frightened and gains temporary hit points equal to your spellcasting ability modifier at …
8th-Circle Arcane, Divine, Primordial, and Wyrd Ritual (Enchantment) Casting Time: 1 hour Range: 60 feet Components: V, S, M (either a lump of alum soaked in vinegar for the antipathy effect or a drop of honey for the sympathy effect) Duration: 10 days This spell attracts or repels creatures of …
1st-Circle Arcane and Wyrd (Enchantment) Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet Components: V, S, M (tiny tarts and a feather that is waved in the air) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute A creature of your choice that you can see within range perceives everything as hilariously funny and …
5th-Circle Arcane, Divine, and Wyrd Ritual (Enchantment) Casting Time: 1 minute Range: 60 feet Components: V, M (a set of silver manacles worth 50 gp, which the spell consumes) Duration: 30 days You place a magical command on a creature that you can see within range, forcing it to carry …
2nd-Circle Arcane, Divine, and Wyrd (Enchantment) Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet Components: V, S, M (a small, straight piece of iron) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Choose a Medium or smaller creature that you can see within range. The target must succeed on a WIS save or …