Magic items of Rare rarity.
Potion, Rare, 350 gp For 1 hour after drinking it, you gain 10 temporary HP that last for 1 hour. For the same duration, you are under the effect of the bless spell (no concentration required). This blue potion bubbles and steams as if boiling.
Potion, Rare, 100 gp When you drink this potion, you gain the effect of the detect thoughts spell (save DC 13). The potion’s dense, purple liquid has an ovoid cloud of pink floating in it.
Wondrous Item, Rare, 14,500 gp This 6-inch-wide, 1-foot-high vessel resembles a chalice with a decorated lid. It weighs 1 pound. While incense is burning in this censer, you can use an action to speak the censer’s command word and summon an air elemental, as if you had cast the conjure …
Weapon (Mace), Rare, 8,000 gp(Mace) When you hit a Fiend or Undead with this magic weapon, the target takes an extra 2d6 radiant damage. If the target has 25 HP or fewer after taking this damage, it must succeed on a DC 15 WIS save or be destroyed. On a …
Ring, Rare, 7,500 gp(Requires Attunement) While you wear this ring, difficult terrain doesn’t cost you extra movement. In addition, magic can neither reduce your speed nor cause you to be paralyzed or restrained.
Weapon (Any Sword), Rare, 8,000 gp(Any Sword) When you attack a creature with this magic weapon and roll a 20 on the attack roll, that target takes an extra 3d6 necrotic damage, provided that the target isn’t a Construct or an Undead. You gain temporary HP equal to the extra …
Weapon (Any Ammunition), Rarity Varies, Price Varies You have a bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this piece of magic ammunition. The bonus is determined by the rarity of the ammunition. Once it successfully hits a target, the ammunition becomes a nonmagical piece of ammunition. Magic Ammunition Rarity …
Wondrous Item, Rare, 3,000 gp This hollow metal tube measures about 1 foot long and weighs 1 pound. You can strike it as an action, pointing it at an object within 120 feet of you that can be opened, such as a door, lid, or lock. The chime issues a …
Weapon (Mace), Rare, 8,000 gp You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon. The bonus increases to +3 when you use the mace to attack a Construct. When you roll a 20 on an attack roll with this weapon, the target takes an …
Ring, Rare, 8,000 gp(Requires Attunement) You gain a +1 bonus to AC and saves while wearing this ring.