Magic items of Common rarity.
Wondrous Item, Common, 50 gp This pair of light silver anklets look like a running cat chasing a swallow in flight. When you roll initiative while wearing the anklets, you can add your PB to your initiative. You can’t use this property if you are surprised. Once this feature is …
Wondrous Item, Common, 25 gp These white and brown suede boots are patterned like a horse’s coat. While wearing the boots, you can use a bonus action to make your footfalls sound like those of a galloping horse. The sound is audible to 300 feet. A creature who uses their …
Wondrous Item (Any Piercing Ammunition), Common, 10 gp These arrowheads are made from hollowed antler and emit a shrill whistle while airborne. A successful attack made with a howling arrow deals only half damage, but the target must succeed on a DC 11 CON save or be deafened until the …
Potion, Common, 50 gp When you drink this potion, double your PB for the purpose of calculating your passive Insight, Investigation, and Perception scores for 1 hour. If you don’t have proficiency in any of these skills, you gain proficiency in them for the duration of the potion. This potion’s …
Armor (Shield), Common, 25 gp + base shield cost The surface of this shield vibrates unpredictably when struck. When a weapon attack misses you while you are wielding this shield, it makes one of several sounds that are audible to 60 feet. Choose which sound it makes from the following …